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Drink and drug driving crackdown

Posted in: Road Traffic Accidents 

As the Association of Chief Police Officers launches its Christmas drink and drug driving enforcement campaign, road safety charity Brake is calling for drivers to pledge not to drink any alcohol or take any drugs if driving.

Brake is also urging government to stamp out drink and drug driving for good. It is calling for traffic policing to be given higher priority, and the drink drive limit to be reduced to 20mg per 100ml blood. This is an effective zero tolerance level, in line with research showing small amounts of alcohol dramatically impair driving, and evidence that lowering the limit reduces drink driving at all levels and casualties.

In 2011, one in seven road deaths in Great Britain involved drink drivers over the current 80mg limit. 280 deaths and 1,290 serious injuries occurred when someone was over the drink drive limit.

Many more drink-drive crashes are caused by drivers who only have small amounts of alcohol in their blood. A further estimated 65 road deaths per year are caused by drivers who are under the drink-drive limit, but who have a significant amount of alcohol in their blood over 50mg.


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