Office Injuries

Have you suffered from an office injury which was the result of the negligence of a employer or a colleague? If so, you should contact our personal injury solicitors** Cardiff as soon as possible to see if you are entitled to any compensation.

Workplace Injury Claims – Office

There are a number of office injuries which may allow you to claim compensation. Common examples include trips, slips and falls as a result of a slippery surface, an accident in a factory, an accident on a construction site, exposure to dangerous and perhaps harmful substances and damage caused by lifting or operating machinery. As this list shows, there are vast arrays of possible office injuries that you may suffer from and may therefore subsequently be entitled to compensation.

Employers are subjected to a large amount of legislation that require them to protect their employees in the workplace. Such examples include the requirement to make sure all machinery is maintained and to an acceptable standard, to ensure that protective clothing is available where required, to ensure that health and safety obligations are met and to ensure that there are no clear hazards. If you have suffered an office injury, it is important that you speak to a legal expert in Cardiff to see whether or not your employer has met their legal obligations.

If you have suffered an office injury, the amount of compensation that you may be entitled to will be dependent on who was responsible for the accident that caused the injury and whether or not there has been a failure in a responsible party’s duty of care. There are a number of other factors which will also be taken into consideration, including the severity of the injury, the length of time needed for the injury to improve (if applicable) and the affect the injury has on potential future earnings or on other individuals. There are, of course, a number of other factors that must be considered when dealing with office injuries and therefore it is important that you speak to one of our lawyers in Cardiff who deals with office injuries.

Office Injury solicitors Cardiff

If you have suffered an office injury, our Cardiff Accident Lawyers can help you claim compensation through our No Win, No Fee* service. Call our Cardiff Injury Lawyers on 02921 682 687^ or contact us online.

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