Psychiatric Injuries Compensation

Most people are aware that if you have physical injuries following an accident that was not your fault then you could be entitled to make a compensation claim against the negligent party.

What people are not so aware of is the fact that you can make a compensation claim for psychiatric injuries suffered in addition to physical injuries (if any). Accordingly, if you would like to make a psychiatric injury compensation claim then you should seek the guidance of a personal injury solicitor** in Cardiff who will help you to make a claim.

Psychiatric injuries can take place following any type of accident and it is neither practical nor possible to list all the different scenarios that could result in a psychiatric injury. However, the most common accidents that result in psychiatric injury are as follows:

Symptoms of PTSD

The most common psychiatric injury following an accident is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), however there are many others. There is no closed list of the symptoms that could be expected from someone that has got psychiatric injuries following an accident; however the following are some of the classic symptoms:

  • Avoiding the topic of the accident
  • Sleeplessness / Nightmares / Flashbacks
  • Becoming easily upset
  • Depression
  • The breakdown of relationships

Psychiatric Compensation Lawyer

As psychiatric injuries are to do with an individual’s state of mind, each case is very different and the amount of compensation that is awarded will be determined on a case by case basis taking into account the seriousness of the injury as well as government guidelines and case law.

You should ensure that you appoint an experienced personal injury solicitor** in Cardiff to deal with your claim as soon as possible. In any event, your personal injury solicitor** in Cardiff should be appointed well before the end of three years from the date of the accident so that a claim can be brought within time. Any claim brought more than three years after the date of the accident (three years from their 18th birthday in the case of a child) may become statute barred.

Psychiatric Injury Solicitors Cardiff

If you have suffered an psychiatric injury, our Cardiff Accident Lawyers can help you claim compensation through our No Win, No Fee* service.

Call our Cardiff Injury Lawyers on 02921 682 687^ or contact us online.

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