Oil Rig Injuries

It is not hard to imagine the different types of injuries that could take place on an oil rig. You only have to look at the oil rig disaster in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 to see that when accidents happen on oil rigs the injuries can be very serious and sometimes fatal. The biggest dangers of an oil rig come from being out at sea and therefore being potentially difficult to reach in an emergency, extreme weather conditions and fires.

Offshore Accident Injury Claims

Employers on oil rigs have a duty of care to ensure that their employees and visitors are safe on site. If the employer is negligent and breaches that duty then employees and visitors can make compensation claims. The amount of compensation that can be claimed following an oil rig injury will depend on the seriousness of the workplace injury, but considering the dangerous of an oil rig this could be a substantial amount. Regardless of whether the accident was a slip, trip or fall or being burnt by fire, anyone who suffers and injury on an oil rig should consider making a claim.

In addition to compensation for physical injuries, compensation will also be awarded for psychological injuries and any consequential loss that has been occasioned by the physical / psychological injuries. This could include: loss of income, medical bills, travel expenses and care costs.

If you or a family member has been injured on an oil rig then you should considering making a claim with the assistance of a personal injury solicitor** in Cardiff, who will help you on a no win no fee* basis. As you may already be aware, no win no fee* (formally known as a Conditional Fee Agreement or CFA) means that if you lose you will not have to worry about expensive legal fees, whilst if you win your legal fees will be paid by your employer (usually by their insurance company).

In order for the claim to be successful, a claim would have to be brought within three years of the date of the accident that resulted in the injuries and therefore you should seek legal guidance from our personal injury solicitors** Cardiff within good time.

Oil Rig Accident solicitors Cardiff

If you have suffered an oil rig injury, our Cardiff Accident Lawyers can help you claim compensation through our No Win, No Fee* service. Call our Cardiff Injury Lawyers on 02921 682 687^ or contact us online.

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