Vibration White Finger Compensation

At first, vibration white finger sounds like an unusual name for an injury. The injury gets its name from the colour that the hands / fingers turn to after heavy and continuous use of vibrating machinery. Vibration white finger usually affects employees in heavy duty environments such as builders, construction workers, oil rig employees and so on.

If you are an employee that suffers from vibration white finger then you could be entitled to make a compensation claim against your employer. This is because employers have a duty of care towards the health and safety of their employees, which means employers should be doing everything they can to make sure that their employees are safe including providing appropriate equipment such as anti-vibration gloves, training in how to use heavy machinery and encouraging employees to take regular rest breaks.

How Much Compensation?

The amount of compensation that an employee can claim following diagnosis of vibration white finger will depend on the seriousness of the injury taking into account the impact on the claimant’s quality of life, recovery time, government guidelines and precedents set in previously decided cases. In addition to compensation for the physical injuries, an employee can also claim back other losses that have been incurred as a direct result of vibration white finger such as medical bills and loss of income.

Any vibration white finger compensation claim should be made with the assistance of an experienced personal injury solicitor** in Cardiff who will investigate the merits of the claim and bring proceedings against the employer on a no win no fee* basis. Therefore employees should not fear brining a claim as it will cost nothing win or lose and the compensation itself will be paid out by the employer’s insurance company.

To ensure that the claim is successful you should instruct a personal injury solicitor** in Cardiff well before three years after being diagnosed with vibration white finger. Any claim brought outside of this time period my become statute barred and will require special permission from the Court which will only be granted in very limited circumstances.

Vibration White Finger Solicitors Cardiff

If you have suffered from Vibration White Finger, our Cardiff Accident Lawyers can help you claim compensation through our No Win, No Fee* service. Call our Cardiff Injury Lawyers on 02921 682 687^ or contact us online.

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