Child care failings Wales
Posted: January 24, 2016
Posted in: Wrongful & Accidental Death 
Pembrokeshire council is soon to publish a report carried out by the Child Practice Review following the death of eight-year-old Dylan Seabridge in 2011. The report, which was written in 2013, was recently leaked, and concluded that certain laws in Wales surrounding child care needed to be strengthened urgently.
Dylan, who died of Scurvy, was being home educated by his parents, and despite concerns being raised a year before his death, had not been in contact with authorities in the seven years before his death. At the inquest into his death it was heard that scurvy was easily preventable and treatable, however his parents, Julie and Glynn Seabridge, revealed that they thought he was suffering from growing pains and did not believe he had scurvy. The couple were charged with neglect, however the Crown Prosecution Service dropped the charges in 2014.
Dylan was “invisible” to authorities
Living in Pembrokeshire, Mrs Seabridge worked in Ceredigion when her work was terminated. It was during an industrial tribunal that a head teacher and a lawyer contacted social services when it became evident that Mrs Seabridge was suffering from a mental health condition and they were concerned that her son was being home educated.
Dylan had remained “invisible” to authorities throughout his short life, and although education officials had tried to gain access to Dylan, they had no authority to see him. Dylan had remained beneath the radar, and the author of the report confirmed that she knew so little of the child that it was “impossible for her to even draw a pen picture of him”.
If you have been affected by negligent care, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us.
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