Paralysis Compensation

If you are left paralysed following an accident that was not your fault then you could be entitled to a substantial amount of compensation from the negligent party. Paralysis can occur in a number of ways, from playing sports to falls and medical negligence. Paralysis can be temporary or permanent and usually affects either the top half of the body or the bottom half of the body. You can suffer from different types of paralysis from the inability to move the limbs to quadriplegic injuries, which results in the loss of use of the fingers and toes whilst the arms or legs can still function.

Personal Injury solicitor Cardiff

A personal injury solicitor** in Cardiff will be able to assess how much compensation should be paid by the negligent party. Typically in paralysis cases the amount of compensation that is awarded is likely to be along the following lines: up to £100,000 for partial paralysis and up to £250,000 for total paralysis. There are various factors that have to be taken into account when considering the amount of compensation that should be paid out including; the age of the victim, severity of the paralysis, recovery time, government guidelines and case law.

In addition to compensation for the physical injuries, there will also be a payment to cover any other losses that have been suffered such as loss of income, care costs, the costs of any alterations that have to be made to the claimant’s home such as stair lifts and medical bills such as those for physiotherapy and prescriptions.

If you would like to make a personal injury claim following paralysis, then you should speak to a specialist solicitor** in Cardiff within three years of the date of the accident that resulted in the paralysis. In the case of a child this claim can be made within three years of the child’s 18th birthday. If you bring a claim outside of this time then it may be statute barred, which means that the claim can only be brought with the permission of the negligent party or the Court, who will only allow such claims to pass in very limited circumstances.

Paralysis Compensation solicitors Cardiff

If you have suffered paralysis, our Cardiff Accident Lawyers can help you claim compensation through our No Win, No Fee* service. Call our Cardiff Injury Lawyers on 02921 682 687^ or contact us online.

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