Lung Disease Compensation
If you think you have suffered from an accident which has resulted in a lung disease, you may be able to make a claim for compensation. The safest and easiest way to do this would be to contact a solicitor** in Cardiff who specialises in personal injury claims. They will be able to offer you legal guidance to put you in the right place for making a successful claim.
You may have developed a lung disease due to the negligence of your employer. The most common jobs associated with accidents that may cause lung diseases are carpentry, coal mining, hair dressing, textiles, milling, drug manufacturing and laboratory work. This is because it is more likely that you will inhale some harmful fumes or dust in jobs like the ones listed above, which may irritate your lungs.
Your employer has a duty of care towards you which, if neglected, can lead to you being put in a situation where you inhale such fumes. In this case, you are likely to succeed in making a claim for compensation with the help of a personal injury solicitor** in Cardiff.
Personal Injury Claims in Cardiff
Any injury that causes the lungs to not function to their full capacity can be called a lung disease. The three main types of lung disease are diseases of the airway, lung tissue diseases, and lung circulation diseases. An injury that causes you difficulty in breathing can be a combination of all three types of lung disease, the most common of which are asthma, lung cancer, bronchitis, silicosis, and emphysema.
Treatment for lung diseases may be expensive as well as time-consuming. It may have a negative effect on the person suffering, as well as close friends and family. Suffering from any sort of lung disease can also affect your life on a day-to-day basis.
It is highly recommended to seek immediate medical advice if you feel you are suffering from any sort of breathing difficulty and to then contact Accident Claims Cardiff who can help claim compensation for you.
Lung Disease Solicitors in Cardiff
If you have suffered lung disease, Accident Claims Cardiff can help you claim compensation through our no win, no fee* service. Call us on 02921 682 687^ or contact us online.