Armed Forces Compensation

Although the majority of those serving in the armed services do not suffer any injuries, the role is such that there is always the chance of injury occurring. Regardless of whether or not you are engaged in direct combat, if you serve or have served in the armed forces and have suffered from an injury you may be entitled to armed forces compensation and one of the Cardiff legal experts in the area will be able to discuss your potential compensation claim and come to a decision as to whether the claim should be proceeded with.

Armed forces compensation claims are likely to arise from the fact the Ministry of Defence is responsible for ensuring that any potential risks are minimised wherever possible. This risk mitigation may relate to ensuring that adequate training is provided, the maintenance of adequate equipment and the correct psychological and physical care during service. Similarly to other employers, the Ministry of Defence may become responsible in the event that you suffer an injury that could potentially have been avoided.

Personal Injury Claims in the Armed Forces

Given the nature of the armed forces and the numerous different roles covered, it is difficult to provide a definitive list of the causes of personal injuries that may result in armed forces compensation. However, some common examples include accidents during training, aviation related accidents, equipment failure and accidents on the road. No matter how the injury occurred, it is important to get more detailed guidance from Cardiff personal injury claims solicitors** as soon as possible.

Compensation claims for those in the armed forces can be particularly difficult and have strict time limits. There may also be other parties who have contributed to the injury suffered and it is vital that the Cardiff solicitor** has had experience of dealing with similar claims and can therefore pursue the compensation claim and provide the support that is required. There are several other factors that will need to be considered, including protection from losses that may be incurred once returning to civilian life.

Armed Forces Injury Claims solicitors Cardiff

If you have suffered an injury, our Cardiff Accident Lawyers can help you claim compensation through our No Win, No Fee* service. Call our Cardiff Injury Lawyers on 02921 682 687^ or contact us online.

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