Cardiff Cycling Accidents

Recent statistics have shown that cycling is becoming more and more popular across the UK. A recent British Social Attitudes survey found that more than 3% of the public cycle every day and 7% cycle as often as once a month. However, as cycling has become an increasingly popular leisure activity and way to travel to work and school, there has also been an upturn in the number of cycling accidents.

Cycling Accidents in Cardiff

The roads can be a very dangerous place for cyclists. The roads are getting busier and busier all the time, and many drivers fail to give cyclists the attention and care they need to cycle safely. Road users will drive too close to cyclists or will forget to look out for them at junctions.

Cycling accidents can also be caused by poor road conditions. Large potholes or areas of damage to the road can cause cyclists to fall from their bikes and suffer very serious injuries.

In the most fortunate cases, a cyclist will escape from an accident with minor cuts and bruises. However, many cycling accident result in extremely serious injuries cause lifelong disabilities to the cyclist involved.

Making a Claim

To make a personal injury claim, you must have suffered an injury that was someone else’s fault. There are many cases where the person injured was also partially to blame, and this is known as contributory negligence. If you contributed to your accident, then this would affect the amount of compensation you could claim, but it would not prevent you from making a claim.

To find out if you have a claim, get in touch with our friendly team by completing our online enquiry form or by calling our Free phone number on 02921 682 687^. Our team will ask you a few straightforward questions about the type of accident you suffered and will quickly be able to establish if you are entitled to make a claim.

How Much Can You Claim for Cycling Accidents?

This is one of the most common questions we are asked. The level of compensation that you are entitled to will depend on the circumstances and details of the accident and injury. In general, the more severe an injury is, the more compensation you will be entitled to. The compensation available will reflect the pain you suffered, the effect the injury had upon your working life, and the length of time taken to recover from the injury.

However, the most important step in claiming compensation for your accident is choosing the right personal injury lawyer for you. We can provide our services on a no win, no fee* basis.

Accident Claims Cardiff are a hard-working and friendly team of personal injury claims experts. We are highly experienced in all aspects of accident claims and have the industry knowledge, expertise, and skills to help you recover maximum compensation for your injuries.

Cycling Accident Lawyers in Cardiff

If you want to discuss making a claim for your cycling accident, our expert accident claims solicitors** in Cardiff are ready to help you. Contact us for a no obligation assessment of your bike accident claim. Call us on 02921 682 687^.

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