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Brake welcomes Welsh Assembly’s road safety move

Posted in: Bicycle Accidents Pedestrian Injuries Road Traffic Accidents 

Road safety organisation Brake has warmly welcomed a move by the Welsh Assembly to encourage local authorities in Wales to implement more 20mph limits, in recognition of the proven road safety benefits.

The Assembly’s move comes only two weeks after the UK government produced new guidance for local authorities in England encouraging them to implement 20mph limits in residential areas, in areas where lots of people walk or cycle (or where there’s the potential for such), and where there is local community demand for lower limits.

Figures from Brake show that every day in the UK 19 adults and seven children are mowed down and killed or seriously hurt when on bicycle or foot.

In 2011 pedestrian deaths and serious injuries went up significantly, and for the first time in 17 years. While cyclist deaths decreased by 2% in 2011, serious injuries increased by 16%. One hundred and nine cyclists were killed in 2011 and 3,132 suffered serious injuries. Of these victims, 16% (511) were children: ten child cyclists were killed and 501 suffered serious injuries.


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