Compensation for Arm Injuries
If you have injured your arm in an accident that was not your fault then you can make a claim for compensation against the negligent party. Compensation is awarded for arm injuries because the arms are vital for daily life. If you are partially to blame for your arm injuries then you can still make a claim for compensation, however the amount that you will be awarded will be reduced by a proportion to take into account your own negligence.
There is no limitation on the type of arm injury you have to suffer before you make a claim. Your arm injury could be an injury to your upper arm (shoulder to elbow) or your forearm (elbow to wrist), it could be a simple bruise or a break or fracture. You can injure your arm in a number of ways from a road traffic accident to a slip, trip or fall in a work accident or even in a public place such as a supermarket.
How Much Compensation?
The amount of compensation you can claim will be based on government guidelines and the awards from previously decided personal injury cases. It will also depend on how serious your arm injury is, taking into account the amount of pain and suffering and the recovery time. For a minor arm injury you could make a claim for up to £5,000, whilst for an arm injury with ongoing discomfort and disability you could claim up to £25,000. If your arm requires amputation then you could claim up to £200,000. In addition to compensation for your physical injuries and psychological injuries (if any), you could also make a claim for any other losses you have incurred such as loss of income, the cost of physiotherapy or medical bills.
If you would like to make a compensation claim for your arm injuries then you should seek the guidance of a personal injury solicitor** in Cardiff within three years of the date of the accident that resulted in the injury. If you are bringing a claim on behalf of a child then you should do so before the child’s 21st birthday.
Arm Injury solicitors Cardiff
If you have suffered an arm injury, our Cardiff Accident Lawyers can help you claim compensation through our No Win, No Fee* service. Call our Cardiff Injury Lawyers on 02921 682 687^ or contact us online.