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Report of medical negligence leaked

Posted in: Medical Negligence Wrongful & Accidental Death 

A document suggesting that poor heath care could have contributed to the death of a seven-year-old boy has leaked and been anonymously sent to his family.  Luke Jenkins, from Cardiff, had been in hospital for a heart operation and was expected to make a full recovery when he suffered a cardiac arrest and died shortly after. The document containing the information was sent to his family dated the 8th of May by an anonymous sender.

Four investigations had been carried out by the hospital, Bristol Children’s Hospital, suggesting that staff had provided poor levels of care at the time of the incident.  One investigation found that staff levels were worryingly low, which could have resulted in a failure to recognise the patient’s deteriorating condition.  A second investigation found that “poor communication and team-working” had contributed to the death, where the third, most favourable report, said that it couldn’t be known whether or not Luke’s death could have been preventable.

Forth investigation not revealed to coroner

All three of these reports were revealed to the coroner, but the forth was not.  Luke’s family believe that all of the evidence regarding the death of their son should have been presented to the coroner – and are planning to take legal action as a result.

Robert Woolley, from University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, said the final report was not presented as the coroner “had made it clear she would not examine the processes the trust took to investigate Luke’s death”.

If you have been affected by medical negligence, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us


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