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Can social media improve road safety?

Posted in: Road Traffic Accidents 

A seminar hosted by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) is to investigate whether social media can be used to help cut road deaths.  

The 78th annual RoSPA Road Safety Seminar will also look at the advantages of embracing new black box technology to improve driver behaviour, and ways in which public health and road safety teams can work together.   

Kevin Clinton, RoSPA’s head of road safety, said:

“This year’s event will have a focus on making the most of modern technology and new ways of working, including social media and black boxes in cars.

“There are a range of fascinating speakers who can give an insight into new approaches to reduce road deaths and injuries at a time when there is less funding around to tackle road safety.”

The seminar will explore the following themes:  

  • The power of using social media to spread essential road safety messages
  • The benefits of adopting black box technology to record driver behaviour – especially young and at-work drivers – monitoring areas such as braking, acceleration and vehicle location      


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