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Historical abuse at Deeside Community Hospital

Posted in: Medical Negligence 

An investigation has been launched at Deeside Community Hospital in north Wales after allegations were made of ‘historical abuse’. The launch of the inquiry has stemmed from an allegation concerning the care of an elderly patient in 2004 at Deeside Community Hospital.  As a result of this concern, the standards of nursing care, and patient care in general, are being looked into by the hospital trust.

The new director of nursing from the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, Angela Hopkins, made an announcement on Thursday that expressed their concern over the fact that a low level of care was being provided to the hospital’s patients.  She announced that they would closely examine the level of care and respect from hospital staff, to insure the wellbeing of patients from now on.  A group of nursing staff has been removed from care duties while the hospital is being investigated.

The new director takes the inquiry seriously and responsibly

A statement from the health board said: “Agencies are working together following national POVA (Protection of Vulnerable Adult) procedures to ensure any concerns are properly investigated in a coordinated manner.

The latest inquiry at the hospital has resulted in admissions to one of the hospital’s two wards being suspended for the time being.  It was conveyed that last week the health board was reported to NHS inspectors for poor patient record keeping, while last month they were similarly reported for highly critical mismanagement.  The local health watchdog, North Wales Community Health Council, however, has praised the new director of nursing for taking the inquiry seriously and responsibly. 

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