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Lack of brain-injury facilities in Wales

Posted in: Head & Brain Injuries 

Experts are concerned that Wales does not have sufficient facilities to cope with the growing number of people suffering disabilities caused by trauma to the head.  Prof Rodger Wood of Swansea University believes that Wales will require at least another four head trauma centres in order to cope with the continuously increasing strain.  His belief is that millions could be saved every year through an increase in rehabilitation units.

The Brain Injury and Rehabilitation Trust – where Prof Rodger Wood was clinical director until 2001 – is due to open its first rehabilitation unit in Wales in spring of 2014.  The Trust already has 13 post-acute rehab units in Scotland and England, which provide support to head-trauma sufferers after leaving hospital.

500 people affected per year

Despite the scheduled opening of the centre in Wales, Prof Woods argued that more residential facilities are required to cope with the increasing number of sufferers.  He said: “Around 500 people per year (in the UK) will have permanent and serious neuro-behaviour disabilities as a result of head trauma … If you think of that year on year the number of people is growing and the level of services for them is still very, very poor.

The first Brain Injury and Rehabilitation Trust centre is to be opened in Llanellie, which will offer 24 beds – six of which will be independent flats.  The centre will create around 50 full-time jobs and Susan Munroe, the director of the trust, described the building plans as “state-of-the-art”.

The Welsh Government said that they are currently working to improve services.

If you have sustained brain damage, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us


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