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Two deaths following kidney operation

Posted in: Medical Negligence Wrongful & Accidental Death 

Two men have died after undergoing kidney transplants from the same donor. It was discovered that the donor’s kidneys, and other organs, had already become infected with a parasitic worm. Robert Stuart, from Cardiff, and Darren Hughes, from Bridgend, died from the infection just under a year ago.  An inquest into their deaths will be held on Tuesday of next week (18 November).

67-year-old Mr Stuart and 42-year-old Mr Hughes had both undergone kidney transplants at the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff last year. They both died of a parasitic worm known as halicephalobus, a worm most often found living in horses and in soil. It was heard that there have been very few reported cases of people diagnosed with this infection around the world.  

“desperately seeking answers”

The director of nursing at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, Ruth Walker, said: “This is a unique and tragic case and everyone at the health board extends their sincere and heartfelt sympathies to the families involved.” Ms Walker added that the Health Board is going to carry out its own review in an attempt to identify why these patients died.  

Lawyers working on behalf of the two men said that they are “desperately seeking answers” for their families who are going through an “incredibly difficult time”.

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