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Major increase in injured motorbikers

Posted in: Motorcycle Accidents Road Traffic Accidents Wrongful & Accidental Death 

New figures have revealed an increase in the number of motorcyclists killed and seriously injured on the roads in Wales. Two police chief constables came forward with their concerns about the increase, describing it as a “very real public safety concern”. Figures found that in this year alone, 15 people have died and 72 have been seriously injured in motorbike accidents. 

The North Wales and Dyfed-Powys chief constables said that lowering this number is a top priority. They said that riding with too much speed and general judgement errors, particularly on bends, are among the top reasons for the high number of deaths and injuries. The chief constables, Mark Polin, himself a motorcyclist, and Simon Prince made their statement just before the Bank Holiday weekend, a popular time for motorcyclists to come to Wales.

Educate riders on the risks of riding “inappropriately”

They said: “Motorcyclists and other motorists taking their time to visit the beautiful countryside of mid and north Wales are very welcome so long as they ride or drive safely and within the law”.

With a tough enforcement of the law being the main approach to tackling the problem, they said that they will also work with riders through ‘engagement events’ to help educate riders on the risks of riding “inappropriately” and dangerously. A variety of events will be organised by the police force.

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