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Ambulance service continues to miss targets

Posted in: Medical Negligence 

The Welsh Ambulance Service has again failed to meet its target of reaching 65% of life-threatening incidents within eight minutes. As a result, the service is encouraging patients to seek other forms of transport to hospital, such as taxi or car. This scheme has already been piloted in south east Wales, with low priority patients using other forms of transport to get to hospital.

Following months of failing to meet the national response time target, July still fell short with only 58.3% of potentially life-threatening incidents reached within eight minutes. Alongside the new transport scheme, the service purchased 41 new vehicles to increase on its 736-strong fleet. It was also announced that the transport scheme is to extend to north Wales if proven successful.

“Simply isn’t good enough”

A report released earlier this year found that more than 600 people were taken to hospital by police car in the past three years as a result of ambulance shortages.  Conservative shadow health minister Darren Millar blamed government ministers for a service that “simply isn’t good enough”.

May saw only 54.1% of life-threatening cases reached with eight minutes, followed by June at 53% and July at 58.3%.

A spokesman for the Welsh government said that the ambulance fleet is constantly being upgraded, with a £4m investment announced earlier this week. They have also received funding to recruit an extra 100 frontline staff.

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