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Senior Coroner warns of Swansea road’s “serious design issue”

Posted in: Bus Accidents Pedestrian Injuries Road Traffic Accidents Wrongful & Accidental Death 

Mr Colin Phillips, who sits as senior coroner for Neath Port Talbot, has issued a report to councillors highlighting the “serious design issue” which “must be addressed” concerning The Kingsway stretch of road in Swansea.

Following the death of off duty police officer, Sergeant Louise Lucas, 41, who was hit by a bus on the road on 31 March, 1.2m high barriers have been put in place on the road ahead of a council meeting on potential changes to the road layout. Swansea council is scheduled to meet on Tuesday to consider changes to The Kingsway, as well as measures to prevent east bound traffic on the road. The members of the Cabinet will also look at any available funding for further safety measures to be introduced as soon as possible. Their findings will then be forwarded to the Traffic Commissioner who will have to approve any changes to bus routes in Swansea.

“Urgent action”

Acting senior coroner Colin Phillips called for “urgent action” investigating the earlier death of Daniel Foss, 37.  Mr Foss was killed after being hit by a bus on the road in October 2013. As well as the deaths of Mr Foss and mother of three Sergeant Louise Lucas, Mr Phillips stated that he had been made aware of 10 further reported traffic incidents on the road since Mr Foss died.  He also stated that there had been upwards of 100 incidents on The Kingsway between 2008 and 2015.  36 passengers have reportedly been injured while travelling on buses when drivers took “evasive action”.

There would appear to be a serious design issue which must be addressed by the local authority to make the road safer for the public,” Mr Phillips added.

In my opinion, there is a risk that future deaths will occur unless action is taken,” he said.

Swansea council must respond to the coroner’s report within 56 days.

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